Residence Life and Housing
Frequently Asked Questions

General Residence Life and Housing

What is an RA? Is there other staff in university housing?

住宿助理,简称RA,是一名在校园宿舍工作和生活的学生工作人员. 住宿服务主任为住客提供协助、指引及支援. RAs are trained in areas such as listening skills, confrontation, campus resources and event or program planning.

Each residential complex also has a community coordinator, or CC, and an area director, or AD. cc是学生职员,他们扮演许多类似于RA的角色. The AD is a professional, 住院部的工作人员负责监督住院部和中心的工作人员,是住院部的资源.

Where can I live?

Most first year students reside in our traditional residence halls; however Carroll offers a variety of housing styles. Please see the housing options page for more information on the options we provide and our requirements for living in each option. 本页还介绍了每个地点提供的便利设施.


Students with special medical needs must provide information and documentation to the Director of Student Accessibility Services, who then works with the Office of Residence Life and Housing to provide appropriate accommodations. Visit Accessibility Services for more information.

What are Living Learning Communities (LLC)?

A Living Learning Community or LLC is a community of students living within a residential floor or residence hall who are connected through an academic major or field of study. The LLC is directed by a faculty or staff member who organizes educational and social activities for LLC members to bolster student engagement and academic success. 大一新生和转学生可以选择参加四项中的一项 Carroll LLC programs,包括荣誉、护理、社会正义领导和安妮塔博天堂官方入口登陆登录.

How much does it cost to live on campus?

博天堂官方入口登陆登录提供多种风格的住房,以满足各种需求和预算. Please refer to the per semester cost 您感兴趣的学年率和地点.

Preparing to Move In

What should I bring with me? What should I leave at home?

A list of suggested items to bring to campus and to leave and home is provided to students. Please remember that this list is not exhaustive and, while many items appear obvious, it may be easy to forget items at home. Also, please carefully read the Carroll University Student Handbook, especially the Residence Life and Housing section for specific restrictions and specifications of items.

记住,有些物品,如电视或冰箱,可能会在室友之间共享. Prior to purchasing and packing, please contact your roommate and discuss what items each of you will provide and how those items can be used in the room.

我什么时候能知道我被分配住在哪里以及我的室友是谁? Can I request a roommate?

First year students will learn their housing assignment and who their roommate(s) are after the housing selection process mid summer. For more information, visit the Housing Office.

可以通过在线住房申请申请室友. Students who wish to live together must create a roommate group as part of the housing selection process.

How big are the rooms?

Please review housing options 有关我们宿舍位置的具体信息. 


所有的生活单元(房间)都配有家具供居民使用. 每位居民最低限度都有床、床垫、梳妆台、书桌和椅子. 休息室和其他公共空间也供居民使用. All furniture provided by the University must stay present and assembled in the living unit.

Most traditional residence hall rooms are not carpeted, 然而,许多居民选择自己提供地毯或地毯残余物. Charles Street Hall, Prairie Hall, Pioneer Hall, Frontier Hall, Carroll Street Apartments, College Avenue Apartments, and Hartwell Apartments living units are carpeted.

Air conditioning is provided in Hilger Hall, Pioneer Hall, Frontier Hall, Prairie Hall, and the campus apartments. 学生不得安装自己的空调设备.

Are there laundry facilities on campus?

Laundry services are included as part of the housing fees and machines are provided in each housing facility. Find more information on using laundry facilities, availability of machines and other tips at laundry services.


所有公共生活区(走廊)都提供保管服务, lobbies, lounges, common-area kitchens, restrooms, etc.). 打扫自己的房间是住客的责任. Vacuum cleaners and some basic cleaning tools may be checked out at the front desks of the traditional and suite style halls.

大学宿舍也提供预防性和反应性维护. If an issue that needs attention arises, 学生应该联系他们的宿舍助理(RA)来完成工作单. 工单按紧急程度及时完成.

What is the bed size in the residence halls? Can I bring my own mattress?

The mattresses provided in University Housing are extra-long twin sized (36 inches by 80 inches). Extra-long twin sheets are available at many retailers.

Without medical documentation and prior permission from the Director of Accessibility Services and Residence Life and Housing, 床垫不得带入大学宿舍.

How do I insure my personal belongings?

博天堂官方入口登陆登录不负责丢失或损坏的个人财产. It is recommended that you check to see if your personal belongings are covered under your parent or guardian's homeowner's insurance policy. If your belongings will not be covered by that policy, 你可能希望在到达校园之前购买房客保险.

Even if you are covered by insurance, 你可能想要标记你的私人物品(比如电视), camera, computer, etc.).

What is a check-in?

当学生到达校园时,他们将完成报到过程. Proper check-in requires that the resident sign a Room or Apartment Condition Report (RCR / ACR) that details that condition of the assigned space upon moving in. The RCR or ACR will have been completed by a University staff member prior to the residents' arrival. First year students arrive on campus according to the Orientation Schedule; returning students will arrive one to two days prior to classes beginning. Residence Life and Housing will provide more specific details and a move-in guide closer to your arrival. Please watch your email for more information.

After Move In


所有大学宿舍在预定的学术休息期间关闭.e. Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Spring Break). 居民可以申请在休息时间在他们指定的居住单位说话. 因学校相关原因,如校园就业,允许留校. 每次休息前都会分发有关休息房的信息.


大学宿舍每周7天,每天24小时都是锁着的. 建筑物的居民可以使用刷卡和先锋卡进入建筑物. It is the responsibility of all members of the community to assure the safety and security of the building by not allowing visitors into the building who are not escorted by a resident of that building.

Living unit doors are accessed via a key that is checked out to the resident residing in that living unit. This key checked out to the residents as part of the move in process and is checked back to the University as part of the move out process. 强烈建议居住单元的门在门关闭时保持锁定.

What happens if I lose a key?

只有住在特定单元的住户才有钥匙. Keys are not to be duplicated. If you lose a key, it is important for you to notify Residence Life and Housing immediately to ensure the safety of your room and roommate(s). A fee is charged for the cost of re-keying your room.


邮件将于周一至周五发送到学生的校园邮箱. 在学术休息期间,邮件不会被发送,大量邮件也不能转发. Your mailing address can be found here and on the Carroll Portal with your housing assignment. 沃克夏邮局距离校园只有几个街区.

包裹被送到传统和套房风格大厅的前台. Front desk workers will sort the packages and place a slip in your mailbox when a package has arrived for you. 您可以凭先锋卡在前台领取套餐. Packages arriving for residents in the campus apartments are delivered to the Campus Center Information Desk. Residents are notified via email when a package has arrived and can be claimed using the Pioneer Card.


We ask that residents who are having roommate problems notify their Resident Assistant who can schedule a roommate mediation to discuss the issues and brainstorm solutions. Room changes are granted in situations that cannot be resolved through sincere measures with the mediation process.


我在哪里可以读到关于住校的政策? 我如何知道哪些物品是大学宿舍的限制物品?

The Carroll University Student Handbook includes a section titled "Residence Life and Housing.这部分包括入住和退房流程的详细信息, restricted items, community expectations, guest restrictions, and many other areas. Please take the time to read the handbook, 因为这些政策适用于居民,不管你是否读过.

What are quiet hours?

Quiet hours are time that the University expects a higher level of awareness for the respect of the community members that are attempting to sleep and study. 所有大学宿舍的安静时间是晚上10点到早上8点. During this time, if other residents are creating noise that bothers you, please ask them to quiet down. 如噪音持续,请联络当值房屋登记主任或公共安全部门处理. 大学还在任何时候保持礼貌时间. 礼貌时间提醒你在任何时候都要尊重你的邻居.

Am I allowed to have pets in the residence halls?

Fish (no larger than 10 gallon aquarium) are the only animals permitted in University Housing.

Am I allowed to bring my own microwave?

Due to the energy required, microwaves are only allowed in Shirley Hilger Hall, Pioneer Hall, Frontier Hall, Prairie Hall and the campus apartments. 所有其他大学宿舍在公共区域提供微波炉.

Can I have guests and visitors in my room?

Overnight guests are limited to two (2) consecutive nights within a seven (7) day period with your roommate(s) approval prior to the guest(s) arrival. Overnight guests must register with Public Safety. 上午8点至凌晨2点期间欢迎游客. 在大学宿舍内,访客必须由住客陪同. 请参阅博天堂官方入口登陆登录手册了解更多细节.


鼓励居民通过装修使他们的生活单元成为家, however there are few items to keep in mind. 对社区有负面影响的装饰是不允许的. Also, residents should use adhesive materials with care; any damage cause by adhesives will be the responsibility of the resident.

Is there a pest policy? How do I prevent pests in my room?

在学生手册里有关于害虫的规定. All living units are inspected and declared free of pests by a licensed pest contractor before students move into their fall placements. Learn more about prevention.

See Carroll For Yourself

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